Saturday Jul 31, 2021
There Be Dragons CH03E30 - The Breakfast Club
Saturday Jul 31, 2021
Saturday Jul 31, 2021
It’s time to tie up loose ends. The party has leads on where the Uncle is lurking and a plan to deal with him. Well. Parts of a plan, maybe several. But, to make sure it goes off without a hitch, we’re going to need to decide on a course of action and do some scouting. Let’s hope we remember what we’re actually trying to do and not get distracted by a certain sketchy mercenary...
Nezor finds himself to be a less-than-capable face. Rhylind holds a job interview. Abella makes a connection. Charlie storms out. Skairn finally improves his natural musk.
There Be Dragons is a D&D 5th ed. game in a sword and gunpowder era. To learn more about the world, check out the website: https://therebedragonscast.com
Additional sound & music by Syrinscape: Because Epic Games Need Epic Sound! Complete list of credits here.
If you'd like to support the podcast, consider supporting us on Patreon! https://www.Patreon.com/therebedragons
We're on iTunes, Spotify and where ever you find quality podcasts. Rate and Review to help us grow!
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TBDragonscast and talk about the podcast with the hashtag #ThereBeDragons
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
There Be Dragons CH03E31 - The Takedown
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
Getaway plan in place, the party are ready to take on Uncle. Will they succeed? What does Aunty have planned? How much property damage will they inflict? All this and more!
Abella has a boyfriend. Nezor blinds himself. Rhylind kicks down the door. Skairn seeks out prey. Charlie does not appreciate mental intrusion.
There Be Dragons is a D&D 5th ed. game in a sword and gunpowder era. To learn more about the world, check out the website: https://therebedragonscast.com
If you'd like to support the podcast, consider supporting us on Patreon! https://www.Patreon.com/therebedragons
We're on iTunes, Spotify and where ever you find quality podcasts. Rate and Review to help us grow!
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TBDragonscast and talk about the podcast with the hashtag #ThereBeDragons
Friday Nov 26, 2021
There Be Dragons CH03E32 - Das Boot
Friday Nov 26, 2021
Friday Nov 26, 2021
With Nezor in a dire situation, the party finally have the Uncle cornered, only to discover they may have been out maneuvered. With the Uncle’s plan revealed, the party race against time to save an innocent life. It’s just a shame they’re utterly dysfunctional under pressure.
Abella goes for the socks. Charlie saves the day. Rhylind gets tipsy. Nezor does a murder. Skairn placates a madman. The DM sends his dice to dice jail.
There Be Dragons is a D&D 5th ed. game in a sword and gunpowder era. To learn more about the world, check out the website: https://therebedragonscast.com
If you'd like to support the podcast, consider supporting us on Patreon! https://www.Patreon.com/therebedragons
We're on iTunes, Spotify and where ever you find quality podcasts. Rate and Review to help us grow!
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TBDragonscast and talk about the podcast with the hashtag #ThereBeDragons
Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
There Be Dragons CH04E33 - Tinkers, Tailors, Soldiers, Spies
Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
Rested and recuperated from their adventures in Rattou, the party finally spy Qis in the distance. The journey down the river Dis provided an excellent opportunity for shenanigans, hazing of and just regular old goofing off, but now it's time to get their game faces on. Who knows what friends or enemies might be lurking in the Bachenaux port city, or what trouble they might find themselves in once they meet with their shady employer...
Rhylind gets a doppelganger. Abella and Qillain are awkward. Charlie announces his retirement. Nezor seeks out a library, Skairn and Hrosh get examined.
There Be Dragons is a D&D 5th ed. game in a sword and gunpowder era. To learn more about the world, check out the website: https://therebedragonscast.com
If you'd like to support the podcast, consider supporting us on Patreon! https://www.Patreon.com/therebedragons
We're on iTunes, Spotify and where ever you find quality podcasts. Rate and Review to help us grow!
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TBDragonscast and talk about the podcast with the hashtag #ThereBeDragons
Saturday May 21, 2022
ThereBe Dragons CH04E34 - The Letter
Saturday May 21, 2022
Saturday May 21, 2022
Tucked away in Blackfish Circus, Rhylind reads a letter that will change her life; and an unexpected guest makes themselves known in a frightening and potentially lethal way.
Also the party just generally goof off. It's that kind of episode.
Rhylind can understand. Charlie makes tea. Abella counts back from a thousand. Nezor unleashes dark forces. Skairn relies on old faithful
There Be Dragons is a D&D 5th ed. game in a sword and gunpowder era. To learn more about the world, check out the website: https://therebedragonscast.com
If you'd like to support the podcast, consider supporting us on Patreon! https://www.Patreon.com/therebedragons
We're on iTunes, Spotify and where ever you find quality podcasts. Rate and Review to help us grow!
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TBDragonscast and talk about the podcast with the hashtag #ThereBeDragons